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  2. Introducing the culture factor

Hofstede Insights becomes the Culture Factor 

Experience a paradigm shift in how you discover and explore cultural data with The Culture Factor Group.


Hofstede Insights is turning the page to a new chapter with a fresh identity:


Why the change? We believe in the power of culture. It's crucial and influential, and it matters - to you and us. “The Culture Factor” reflects what we stand for: empowering your organisation to thrive in a world where understanding culture, at every level, is key.

We look forward to continuing our journey together under this exciting new banner.

What to expect: 


Same Reliable Foundation

As we grow and evolve, you'll still receive the trustworthy experience you know. While our offerings expand, the trusted services and insights you value aren't going anywhere.

Meet our customers


Modernised Data Set

Our culture database is now refreshed with current data, meticulously researched for a contemporary lens on culture. 



Advanced-Data Segmentation

Delve deeper with our refined tools, allowing for precision in understanding cultural nuances beyond just country-level insights.

Contact us for more information


24/7 Access to Cultural Insights

With our enhanced online tools, insights into the world of culture are just a click away, any time you need them. 

Contact us to book a demo of our Culture Portal

Contact us

Do you have thoughts or questions about our new direction? Feel free to reach out.